We cordially invite experts to participate in the upcoming joint CEOS/CGMS Working Group on Climate workshop:
Sustained space observation capabilities for carbon related Earth System variables
The workshop is by invitation only and will be held at EUMETSAT headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany, 18-20 May 2022. This local organisation of the event is done by EUMETSAT and DLR.
The aims of this workshop are:
- Assessment of the current provision of carbon-related Earth system variables used in the context of carbon cycle analysis and emission monitoring. The variables addressed include relevant Essential Climate Variables of the GCOS based on the ECV Inventory of the Working Group on Climate (https://climatemonitoring.info/ecvinventory) and other variables needed to support the UNFCCC, in particular the Paris Agreement Global Stocktakes, including variables needed for modelling purposes;
- Identification of gaps in the space segment for the long-term provision of such variables, including recommendations to space agencies to improve the sustainability and capability of the required space-based measurement systems;
- Analysis of the adequacy of the definition of GCOS ECVs for carbon related variables and formulation of recommendations to GCOS for possible improvements. The objective is to support the GCOS science panels in charge of defining ECVs;
- Compilation of a gap analysis report for CEOS and CGMS with recommendations and suggested actions for implementation by space agencies.
The three-day workshop will include introductory presentations on the ECV inventory and gap analysis, as well as group discussions to assess the situation for specific variables. The focus topics of the group discussions will be determined together with the participants on the first day of the workshop. Online participation is not necessarily useful, but could be made possible if travel is not possible.
Presentations of the Workshop morning sesions:
- Introduction (Albrecht von Bargen, DLR, WGClimate Chair)
- WMO workshop: “The case for a coordinated Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure” – first results (Lars-Peter Riishoojgaard, WMO)
- The CEOS GST strategy: related variables and gaps (John Worden, NASA/JPL)
- The CEOS GST strategy: AFOLU and biosphere variables (Osamu Ochiai, JAXA)
- The CEOS GST strategy: Ocean variables (Paolo Cipollini, ESA)
- Integrated system approach for the use of observations in Monitoring Verification Systems (MVS) (Richard Engelen, ECMWF)
- Variables to constrain the carbon cycle for closure (John Worden, NASA/JPL)
- The new GCOS Implementation Plan – ECVs related to carbon (Anthony Rea, GCOS)
- Details for the workshop discussions (Jörg Schulz, Alexandra Nunes, EUMETSAT)
Workshop Informations:
The workshop is planned to start on the 18th of May at 10 am (CEST) and end on the 20th of May at 3 pm (CEST).
- The agenda for the three days can be downloaded as PDF.
To provide an first overview of what the Workshop will be about, we provide some material below:
- An overview of definitions of the GCOS Essential Climate Variables can be found here.
- The previous GA Report is from 2018, based on v2.0 of the ECV Inventory and can be found on the CEOS webpage.
- For a description how to get to the venue please see here.
- Timetables for airport shuttles (Airliner) can be downloaded here.
- A non-exhaustive list of Hotels close to EUMETSAT can be found here.
COVID-19 restrictions:
- General information about entry and quarantine regulations in Germany can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office here.
- To visit EUMETSAT you will need a vaccination certificate or a recent (less than 24 hours) certified test result (status at 04 April 2022). More information can be found at the EUMETSAT webpage here.