ECV Inventory

The Essential Climate Variables (ECV) Inventory houses information on Climate Data Records (CDR) provided mostly by CEOS and CGMS member agencies. The inventory is a structured repository for the characteristics of two types of GCOS ECV CDRs:

  • Climate data records that exist and are accessible, including frequently updated interim CDRs;
  • Climate data records that are planned to be delivered.

The ECV Inventory is an open resource to explore existing and planned data records from space agency sponsored activities and provides a unique source of information on CDRs available internationally. Access links to the data are provided within the inventory, alongside details of the data’s provenance, integrity and application to climate monitoring.

The inventory has been continuously updated by data producers and curators, with the latest versions of the database published on a yearly basis to provide the users with more up-to-date information, and to support Gap Analysis exercises. For any question or to provide your contribution, please contact

The current version of the ECV Inventory results from an incremental update of the database to integrate contributions received in 2023-24.

The interactive version 5.0 of the inventory is available below, and a static export is available here: ECV Inventory v5.0.

For completeness, earlier versions are also made available for download: ECV_Inventory_v4.1, ECV_Inventory_v4.0, ECV_Inventory_v3.0 and ECV_Inventory_v2.0.